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One Key to Staying Youthful

I mention a few KEY ways to cut your energy expense here on my Instagram channel. An often overlooked action is simply keeping your body warm with appropriate clothing! When we don’t dress warmly enough a couple of things can happen:

  1. We can catch a cold or flu. Our Bladder meridian - which runs from the inner canthus of our eye, over the top of our head, down the back of our neck and all the way down our back and legs, ending on the baby toe - can be "invaded" by cold or wind. When this happens we see signs of cold or flu: nasal congestion, runny nose, headache, fatigue, body aches, sneezing. The simplest thing you can do is make sure the back of your neck is covered up when you go outside. Even in the summer, make sure the air conditioning or fan is not blowing directly on you.

  2. Not dressing warmly enough can allow the invisible essence of cold to penetrate directly into our body. When this happens we might end up with cold in our meridians and experience things like menstrual cramps or clotting, fibroids, headaches, diarrhea, food allergies. Our digestive system may suddenly stop functioning as well and we may not be able to digest the same things we used to eat or slowly develop weight gain.

  3. Several important energy pathways either begin or end in the feet. One simple way to enhance your health is to keep your feet warm with socks and consider wearing slippers at home. Warm feet are the foundation for better physical and mental health, stronger metabolism and digestion, fertility, and stronger immunity.

  4. Waste our body’s precious Kidney Qi. When we use extra energy to heat our body this draws from the Kidney, which acts like a battery for our whole body. Remember, our Kidney stores our inherited Qi from birth and this is something that cannot be replenished. The Kidney Qi falls under the category of our energy savings account so we don't want to waste it on unnecessary expenditures or activities of daily living. Good Kidney Qi is the secret to anti-aging, longevity, youthfulness and the ability to produce adequate hormones after menopause without relying on outside hormone therapies.

It all sounds too simple? My teacher Master Lu always says “the best solutions are simple, they’re never complicated.”

© Marie Yuann 2024


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