Spark Your Innate Healing Ability Using Ancient Wisdom

How does Qi Miracles differ from other fitness classes?​
These are gentle, yet powerful exercises that work at the Qi level. This means they are impacting your meridian function. In TCM we know there are meridians, or invisible energy pathways, that run throughout the entire body. These energy pathways are responsible for our health and wellness. Whether someone wants to heal a condition from it's root cause, reduce stress or lose weight, working at the level of Qi is the answer. According to an ancient proverb: when the Qi flows freely, no disease or illness can enter.
What are these exercises like?
These are very simple exercises that can be done by anyone, anytime, anywhere. If you are unable to hold certain postures or make full range of motion with a particular movement, adjustments can be made. While they are simple exercises, it does not mean they are always easy or that they are without benefit! Quite the contrary - even the most fit person may find some level of challenge in performing these exercises properly. And the list of benefits is extensive.
Can I participate if I am injured or have incomplete range of motion?
Qi exercises are perfect for preventing sports injury. As I learned from my teacher, Grandmaster Nan Lu, the secret to avoiding sports injury lies in meridian function. When your meridians are functioning at a high level and your Qi and Blood is moving smoothly through your body, injury is less likely. Think of children - they are so full of energy and have not "knotted their energy" yet by overwork, stress, poor diet, etc - so they can literally "bounce back" from mostly anything.
If you already have an injury, talk to your doctor and always listen to your body's needs. These are gentle, water-like movements, similar to Tai Qi. Some postures are held in a standing position but they can also be done sitting down if the person is unable to stand.
If these are gentle movements, how will I get a result?
This is unlike any other fitness program because it does not involve physical exercise, but rather energy exercise. When practiced daily your body will show results in various forms. Check out our testimonials page to see what our participants have to say. Some people report better energy, sounder sleep, better digestion, easier elimination, less stress, decreased anxiety and depression, decrease in perimenopause/menopause symptoms including hot flashes, fatigue, reduced abdominal fat, anxiety, foggy brain. Some people report weight loss, better endurance and visible toning of the musculature. Even professional trainers will tell you that some of the best exercises are those that you do on your own with your own body weight.
According to TCM, we do not see illness or disease, but rather imbalance. Imbalance happens first at the Qi level and this is also where Miracles occur. That is why people are able to see lasting results and experience small and large healing events through this practice - these movements directly access the Qi level.​​​
How should I prepare for an Acupuncture or Medical Qigong Treatment?
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing with access to your lower legs and feet. Come with neither an empty or full stomach. To get the most out of your treatment, it is best to allow for time after your session to stay in a relaxed state. This includes staying off of your phone for 20min or so. You may also wish to avoid scheduling other treatments soon after, such as chiropractor and massage.